Reports of cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance
ΤίτλοςReports of cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance
ΣυντομογραφίαRep. cases before Court Justice Court First Instance
Έτη έκδοσης1994-
ΣυνεχίζειReports of cases before the Court. Court of Justice of the European Communities [ISSN 0378-7591]
ΤίτλοςReports of cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance
Τίτλος κλειδίReports of cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance
ΣυντομογραφίαRep. cases before Court Justice Court First Instance
Έτη έκδοσης1994-
ΔημοσίευσηLuxembourg: Court of Justice of the European Communities
Πνευματική υπευθυνότηταCourt of Justice of the European Communities
Μεταφρασθέν ωςRecueil de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice et du Tribunal de première instance 1019-3170
Recopilación de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de justicia y del Tribunal de primera instancia 1022-8381
Samling af Afgørelser fra domstolen og Retten i første instans 1022-839X
Sammlung der Rechtsprechung des Gerichtshofes und des Gerichts erster Instanz 1022-8403
Sullogē tēs nomologias tou dikastēriou kai tou protodikeiou 1022-8411
Raccòlta della giurisprudènza della Corte e del Tribunale di primo grado 1022-8438
Jurisprudentie van het Hof van justitie en van het Gerecht van eerste aanleg 1022-8446
Colectânea da jurisprudência do Tribunal de justiça e do Tribunal de primeira instância 1022-8454
ΣυνεχίζειReports of cases before the Court. Court of Justice of the European Communities [ISSN 0378-7591]
UDC Ταξινόμηση341.6 [orig. ed.]
341.178(4):34 [orig. ed.]
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Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος

1994 2012 Πλήρης
Μέλος Δικτύου