Australian national accounts. Gross product, employment and hours worked (Quarterly)
ΤίτλοςAustralian national accounts. Gross product, employment and hours worked
ΣυντομογραφίαAust. natl. acc., Gross prod. employ. hours work. (Q.)
Έτη έκδοσης1988-1992
Άλλαξε πάλι σεAustralian national accounts, national income and expenditure (1988) [ISSN 1031-5128]
Australian national accounts. National income, expenditure and product (Quarterly) [ISSN 1322-2902]
ΤίτλοςAustralian national accounts. Gross product, employment and hours worked
Τίτλος κλειδίAustralian national accounts. Gross product, employment and hours worked (Quarterly)
ΣυντομογραφίαAust. natl. acc., Gross prod. employ. hours work. (Q.)
Τμήμα τίτλουGross product, employment and hours worked
Έτη έκδοσης1988-1992
ΔημοσίευσηCanberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Άλλαξε πάλι σεAustralian national accounts, national income and expenditure (1988) [ISSN 1031-5128]
Australian national accounts. National income, expenditure and product (Quarterly) [ISSN 1322-2902]
DDC Ταξινόμηση339.394 [orig. ed.]
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