Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
ΤίτλοςReport of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
ΣυντομογραφίαRep. Spec. Comm. Situat. with regard to Implement. Declar. Grant. Indep. Colon. Ctries. Peoples
Έτη έκδοσης1962-
ΤίτλοςReport of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
Τίτλος κλειδίReport of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
ΣυντομογραφίαRep. Spec. Comm. Situat. with regard to Implement. Declar. Grant. Indep. Colon. Ctries. Peoples
Έτη έκδοσης1962-
ΔημοσίευσηNew York: United Nations
Πνευματική υπευθυνότηταUnited Nations
Μεταφρασθέν ωςRapport du Comité spécial chargé d'étudier la situation en ce qui concerne l'application de la déclaration sur l'octroi de l'indépendance aux pays et aux peuples coloniaux 0255-1225
Informe del Comité especial encargado de examinar la situación con respecto a la aplicación de la declaración sobre la concesión de la independencia a los países y pueblos coloniales, Naciones Unidas 0255-1233
Doklad Specialʹnogo komiteta po voprosu o hode osuŝestvleniâ deklaracii o predostavlenii nezavisimosti kolonialʹnym stranam i harodam, Organizaciâ Obʺedinennyh Nacij 0255-1241
Jǐyu zhímíndì guójiā hé rénmín dúlì xuānyán zhíxíng qíngkuàng tèbié wěiyuánhuì de bàogào, Liánhéguó 0255-125X
Taqrīr al-laǧnaẗ al-ẖāṣṣaẗ al-ma’niyyaẗ bi-ḥālaẗ tanfīḏ i’lān manḥ istiqlāl li-l-buldān wa-al-šu’ūb al-mustaʼmaraẗ, Al-Umam al-Muttaḥidaẗ 0255-1268
UDC Ταξινόμηση341.123 [orig. ed.]
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Ίδρυμα Μελετών Χερσονήσου του Αίμου (ΙΜΧΑ)
1973 2010 Ελλιπής
Μέλος Δικτύου